Demands & Displeasure – considerations for writing and communicating delicate subjects.
In a time where there is much confusion with regulations, changes and sensitivity on how to operate businesses, where messages are dismissed but are needing co-operation, clarifying the conditions and communicating them in a transparent, professional, firm and fair manner with warmth is possible.
Menu writing. Andrew Edmunds, London | Photography by Dearing & Flynn
The year has presented us challenges, with unrestrained dashes of vinegar, stringent, searing, rules and regulations changing like the conversations and statements bounced around at a Mad Hatters Tea Party, only the element of silly fun is a missing ingredient.
Recent writing assignments with businesses in the hospitality domain have needed to communicate ever-changing guidelines placed by the government, on the management and operations of their establishments with in-house staff members and their clients. Broadcasting restrictive requirements in an unreservedly social industry, place strain on the nature of the environment. Balancing responsibilities with the health, and safety of the public, implementing specified rules, unappetising, offering a palate cleanser of compromise under unusual circumstances, all while maintaining an ambience of sociability is an intricate performance to regularise.
Balancing responsibilities with the health, and safety of the public, implementing specified rules, unappetising, offering a palate cleanser of compromise under unusual circumstances, all while maintaining an ambience of sociability is an intricate performance to regularise.
As we work on composing statements for businesses on the terms and conditions of operating under the current state of affairs, we have been stringing words together to form clear and committed sentences necessary to be heard, in a manner drawing understanding, maintained with a satisfactory level of fairness, encouraging cooperation with everyone involved.
Writing and communicating strict and sensitive matters don’t have to sound rigid, dismissive or authoritarian, and there are ways of constructing sentences to share these themes of messages better. Gather all the essential information you are required to communicate, with how you want to share them, and consider beginning your thoughts from the perspective of the viewer reading and receiving your communication in guiding you to form your words – how would you like your clients to receive your message(s), and view and act on your communication? Weaving softer words to balance the harsher ones create more considered statements supportable by others, eliminating feelings and responses of reluctance and displeasure when your information is received.
Weaving softer words to balance the harsher ones create more considered statements supportable by others, eliminating feelings and responses of reluctance and displeasure when when your information is received.
Curtain details. Andrew Edmunds, London | Photography by Dearing & Flynn.
Graced Communications is pleased to be there assisting businesses with their communications, providing clarity, direction and management during this period of angst and instability. In these tense times, we are not in the belief that our language needs to reflect this manner, and instead, we place interest in the messages we are sharing and the construction of them to mirror the balance of compassion, professionalism, endurance and positivity in ourselves and the establishments we represent.